
Ecomuseo delle Acque del Gemonese

The Ecomuseum is an innovative type of museum, a dynamic process by which communities preserve, read and enhance their haritage in terms of sustainable development.

It includes a particular geographic area of the territory: the Osoppo-Gemona Field, located in the middle of Friuli Venezia Giulia. It is an alluvial plain surrounded by pre-Alpine mountains and hills. The origin of its formation is water: the field is the result of a vast lake that extended upstream of the moraine hills immediately after the withdrawal of the Tagliamento glacier, about 10,000 years ago.

The Ecomuseo delle Acque del Gemonese with its rivers, streams, mills, intake works, washrooms, has become an open-air museum to visit through a network of routes that can be covered on foot or by bicycle: interpretation places where themes intertwine and bring together cultural identity, educational purposes and tourt and economic promotion.

The ecomuseum aims to document, restore and read historical memory, life, figures and facts, material and immaterial culture, the relationship between natural and man-made environment, traditions, activities, local production and life and work practices as well as the way in which the settlements and the works of man have characterized the formation and the evolution of the landscape and the territory of the Osoppo Gemona Field.

For further information:
piazza Municipio 5 – Centro Storico
33013 Gemona del Friuli (UD) Italy